TPT ( Photo is 1973..1979 )
TPT = Tunnel Psychic Transducer
Quantum mechanics device unit for mind over matter, hyper space quantum coherence experience.
Connect this unit to IBVA’s brain wave headset input. Quantum electron noise is replace as brain wave.
Use this unit with two person IBVA system can analyze brain wave and tunnel quantum state coherence. ( one IBVA connect brain wave, other IBVA connect TPT )
This unit detect tunnel electron noise from tunnel diode with ultra high quality amplifier.
( 1/2 less noise than brain wave amplifier )
then connect to brain wave input of IBVA.
Actual device is not shown in this page.
In 1973 start research and develop biofeedback systems in Sapporo, Japan.
TPT: with analog sound modulation, analog meter, LED light and number this system was a one of the main device at that time. Photo (top) is the system which I made and test 1973 .. 1979.
30 years later finally this time capsule is re-open for new research experience with new Bluetooth IBVA hardware and OSX Mac.
Tunnel diode
Esaki diode
Quantum tunneling
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)
Book by DEAN RADIN : Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality