speer Drawings V6
speer Drawings V6
Subject: 112113 osholon information
Date: November 21, 2013 11:57:01 PM GMT+09:00
went to cassadaga
medium told me,,about fishing,,water, shells,, (in that nonspecific way mediums talk..)
going back today to find out more
here's the pictures i took last night..
all true experience is nonlocal experience
everyone knows the first part of the quote below,,why not the second? i'd say that's because its osholon transmission, and therefore not as accessible
For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.
ride the beast of experience down
fishing can mean casting out the self
(trying to get outside empty shells)
Ah-Yeh-Li A-Lo-Hee
speer drawing V6