speer Drawings R2


Subject: 31912 osholon information

Date: March 19, 2012 4:10:14 PM MDT

was instructed to "hold the picture to the mirror upside down" i did, then told to pick up a book and open to a page,,this is the page,this is who mot it

motl mot "upside down"  owl,,,this is mot communication and most likely  deceptive

but square in heaven definitely got my attention square,,(not cube though,,,)


     mot: "and i am a cause who, the more i am to be venerated  and feared..the less friendly and familiar i become, the more i am desirable and appetible,, for in things which are less revealed, more occult, and most secretive, there are ordinarily found more dignity and majesty. It is I who by my brilliance obscure virtue, blacken truth, subdue and scorn the greatest number and the best of there whom i see prepared and arranged in such a manner as to form themselves into a square in heaven."


there's a bunch of new people on the list,,so i have to thank masahiro for archiving all the transmissions,,  and here;s the website where they can be found


the osholon transmissions are those lists at the bottom


speer drawing  R2