speer Drawings M1


 Subject: 112611 osholon information

Date: November 27, 2011 2:16:53 AM GMT+09:00

what a commotion is caused by light, has been recurring osholon transmission

light as distraction, present sun as parasitic and focal lens absolute

sun as star, as light bearer,

 third and second eye receptor s(not first eye, which perceives that which was before dominion of light)

drawn down further into matter by commotion of light



simultaneous chiral and achiral spin

spiral unity co-motion

shared neuronal co-motion

osholon has instructed me to understand flattening of time/light

drawing with less color/monochrom has been part of this training

"flattening of imagery"

flat time

lessening commotion of light

first eye perception is without physical light (starlight/sunlight)

second and third eyes atrophic into matter, dimension

first eye into atemp/adim...monochronatic

jordan and moberly two poles juxtaposed with hobomack and suriel as translators of first and second eyes

order disorder a c

shutter lens phenomena of swing (enantiodromia) second and third eyes giving consciousness to unflattening of adim/atemp


first eye flattening to unity and from commotion of "light"



speer drawing  M1
