speer Drawings L6


Subject: 9613 osholon information

Date: September 6, 2013 10:12:20 AM PDT

the notes from the orgone box sessions have turned up.. turns out i left them in eastport maine while doing some work with d.l. using spin energy,, d.l. found them under his desk in his lab

 for those who might not know,,eastport is near the largest whirlpool in the western hemisphere,,  second largest whirlpool in the world..polarity pointng to inner earth..  w an achiral spin

a few turns around the whirlpool was a good way to sort of shake off the residue of the orgone boxes effects...

i'm not going to report my orgone box experience at rangely til i can review my notes,,  theyre in the mail now from what i understand

here's some drawings of some impressions from the boxes themselves,,that ive done while "on hold" and waiting for my notes (there's been very little direct transmission from osholon,,mostly just vague impressions,,i think i;m supposed to integrate the box experience before moving on with more information)

i will comment on the double cube nature of the orgone box, and what i believe might be a representation of the cubic sun doubled in time...wish i knew more

thanks d.l.!






speer drawing L6