speer Drawings K4
speer Drawings K4
Subject: 11512 osholon transmission/information
Date: November 5, 2012 8:50:58 PM PST
bunch of new diagrams of osholon dynamics below this text,, (OS holon..the osholon operating system?)
"life has no meaning"someone said
and osholon spoke to me "life has meaning, its just not a meaning that humans care to recognize"
heavy transmissions on the concept of chiasmus these last weeks (to pierce the veil of glamor (perceptive glare))
concept of chiasmus is illustrated by the double y,,or inverted two headed arrow that's been transmitted now for a long while.
thanks to HE for sending me this,,
Just realized that Osholon is OS Holon and the definition of Holon is: "something that is simultaneously a whole and a part" from thewikipedia Holon entry, which you should read the whole thing! An there is also these Holons mentioned in Tom Kenyon's Hathor mediatations:
The Holon of Planetary Ascension
A holon is a system (or phenomenon) which is an evolving self-organizing dissipative structure, composed of other holons, whose structures exist at a balance point between chaos and order. It is maintained by the throughput of matter–energy andinformation–entropy connected to other holons and is simultaneously a whole in and itself at the same time being nested within another holon and so is a part of something much larger than itself. Holons range in size from the smallest subatomic particles andstrings, all the way up to the multiverse, comprising many universes. Individual humans, their societies and their cultures are intermediate level holons, created by the interaction of forces working upon us both top-down and bottom-up. On a non-physical level, words, ideas, sounds, emotions—everything that can be identified—is simultaneously part of something, and can be viewed as having parts of its own, similar to sign in regard of semiotics. Defined in this way, holons are related to the concept of autopoiesis, especially as it was developed in the application of Stafford Beer to second-order cybernetics and viable system theory, but also Niklas Luhmannin his social systems theory.
Since a holon is embedded in larger wholes, it is influenced by and influences these larger wholes. And since a holon also contains subsystems, or parts, it is similarly influenced by and influences these parts. Information flows bidirectionally between smaller and larger systems as well as rhizomatic contagion. When this bidirectionality of information flow and understanding of role is compromised, for whatever reason, the system begins to break down: wholes no longer recognize their dependence on their subsidiary parts, and parts no longer recognize the organizing authority of the wholes.
speer drawing K4