speer Drawings B1
speer Drawings B1
Subject: osholon information 10911
Date: October 10, 2011 2:17:31 AM GMT+09:00
Subject: osholon transmission 10611
Date: October 7, 2011 1:17:31 AM GMT+09:00
people ask about how exactly i do these drawings and how i receive the information in them
this drawing is a good example. i;m going to send the "sketch" for the drawing with it. The sketch was done during communication while and immediately after a heavily salted "float". Then the information taken down in the sketch is transcribed into a more coherent "drawing" this communication was a bout frequencies and vibrations, a teaching about the trigger frequency needed to pass through the tav. the osholon carapace and how acoustic buzzing bridges gravity.
friends don't let friends condone left wing progressive fascism
Subject: osholon reenactment 10211
Date: October 3, 2011 9:55:40 AM GMT+09:00
this attached video clip is ten megs,,hopefully its not a problem for anyone (and it goes through on my side)
its a feeble recreation of an early osholon encounter, shot from my tub, where i was when the event occurred.
Subject: osholon information 93011
Date: September 30, 2011 1:07:06 PM GMT+09:00
Subject: osholon information 92711
Date: September 28, 2011 11:17:46 AM GMT+09:00
was looking at this new image before sending it out, looking for any clues, or terms i might have missed when it was drawn.. in a very short span of time i was transported into the image, its lines surrounding me, red sparks flew about the spaces and a state of serious wajd settled in. if anyone experiences any similar effects please let me know. Ilun jebut all image is the inundations work
Subject: osholon information 92411
Date: September 25, 2011 5:04:00 AM GMT+09:00
got a few emails asking for some sort of explanation of diagram illustrating mechanics of spin coherence..here's a quick rundown (half trance transmission) of some terms and concepts..if anyone has anything to add,,let me know
heimarmene "control by star matter, destiny, "
aperion freedom from tyranny of time/space
void, sol absolute, epimtony of star power, influence of star..
suriel/ hobo-mack,, agents of heimarmene chiral achiral spin,,one horns one legs,, creating y of atemporality,, "suriel is the key" serpent power
the twelve chased out by the ten
twelve suns/stars show creation of water from the void.
from recursive h20 to "bath of stars"(prehydronium bath) to watery star to prephase bioprotonic matter to void
h20 is first matter of star stuff, emitted at star creation, h20 is tuned to human consciousness.. in h20 humanity is constricted by vibratory frequency of water
hydronium, necessary transmutation evolution of h20 to h30, h30 is resonant with true human state, beyond false wadj of h20
cubic sun of water shines "light" needed to implement next phase
state of human consciousness in next phase ("water" transmuted to hydronium or h30) is one of a state of spin coherence, shared neuronal, spiral unity
daat gateway..doowatt frequency of gateway activation ,,trigger frequency 421375698 buzz frequency
star of david seal of solomon : emblem of heimarmene/ star control false wadj (ufos surrounding show false hyperdimensionality, ufos are otl energy manifested, recurive doorways , note connection of ufo to water in many instances
henosis, unity offered by osholon consciousness, or opportunity offered by osholon consciousness
hYve bee, osholon consciuosness as many in one,, mephosis(?) also opportunity for dispersion. collection , reintegration. accretion of hydromel. for trigger frequency activation.
oasis, state of triannalemic spin (see trifinity symbol within spin coherence
hylic shunt, energy created at moment of spin coherence which is "shunted off beyond osholon carapace" to create access to aspace. atemporality,apeirion ride hylic shunt to apeirion
tectratys of cubic watery suns
necker,,necker cube,, illusion of certainty
ka..state of h20 spin matrix
total mass retain,, mass of 12 stars retained in singularity shift to 10 cubic suns..full mass retained cubic structures packing system efficiency structure
redak energy flux state of cubic suns,, duo of suns chiral achiral attraction repulsion,,
3 cubic suns exchange energy amtrix
o=1 every number is infinite there is no difference
10 =12= 1 2 3 4
4 state of grace tetrahedral also state of spin coherence in next dimensional space or through daat portal
mem ... morphogenic resonance which pulls human consciousness to h30 or next state
non recursal state of 0=1 is non recursal.. aspace is accessed and there is no return to number system of differentiation.
sauls camp..state of differentiation.. where energies resistant of emergence remain.
speer drawing B1