speer Drawings A1
speer Drawings A1
Subject: oholon transmission/manifestation 92211
Date: September 22, 2011 4:26:15 PM EDT
I'm going to send this latest image out now, as last night's events have sort of sidetracked me. I know I'll be reworking this diagram, if not doing it again. Osholon is insistent that this diagram be put down precisely, and with the usual fuzziness of communication, I'm sure it isn't exact. But for now, I feel the need to understand what I can remember from last night.
Rarely, in my experience, are Osholon communications transmitted during sleep but last night I had a very peculiar dream, one which i;m sure was an Osholon manifestation, only with a much different feel. Usually any visual communication comes across with no distinction from ordinary sight, but this dream presented itself with such peculiar qualities that I knew I was experiencing something unique . There was a shimmering quality to the vision, and a skewing of perspective unlike any previous Osholon communication. It was as if I was watching a moving hologram Something told me that these sights were those from an alternate timeline, one where the trip of 51111 was completed. In this timeline, upon reaching Otam Alipit, I was directed to a place where an object was concealed. Holding the strange mechanism in my shimmering hands it was immediately apparent, or so it seemed in the dream, that the newfound object was some sort of tool. Acquisition of this strange device of heretofore unknown technology, the dream implied, was what would have been the result of completing the 51111 trip.
Upon waking I did some rudimentary sketches of the object and its parts. It seems almost primitive in construction, though in the dream I realized it would be near impossible to recreate. Hopefully in another communication I will learn more of it, though I know I have no control over what information I receive. I intend, however, to attempt to reconstruct that which I had received in that alternate timeline, the one where the OTL energies did not so cruelly thwart the mission of 5111, and learn what purpose this strange device is intended for.
So for now, here is the new diagram illustrating spin coherence, which I'm certain is incomplete.
Subject: osholon information 92111
Date: September 21, 2011 3:22:32 PM EDT
working on the concordance image to replace incorrect image of 91011
lots of details being transmitted, so hard to make sense,,, to arrange in most coherent,understandable system. Waiting for certain information to complete sections of illustration. Going to submerge now for a while to facilitate clear transmission. In the meantime I;ve been working on some Osholon information which I'll send now (sketches are of communications i;ve been using for concordance image)
Subject: osholon information/transmission 91511
Date: September 15, 2011 9:05:38 AM EDT
heres some sketches that were done as the more comprehensive spin coherence diagram is being worked on.that diagram is taking a bit of time, as much information is being transmitted to be transcribed on the mechanisms of shared neuronal
during these transmissions there has been introduction of what could be understood as a threshold entity, an entity that exists on the skin of the tav, on the surface of the osholon carapace, and therefore neither here nor there. Much interesting transmissions on the particular state of these entities, one specifically introduced as hobo-mack. transitional earth/nature energy? instant of chiral achiral merging and mass conversion? personality null, "hallucinatory void" at instant of that energy state transformation?
speer drawing A1