Brainstorm and Natalie wood


CNN news.

do you know movie called "Brainstorm" ?

it was one of big story that related Natalie.

"Brainstorm" was delay to open public by her death.

our age, educated with "Brainstorm" 1983, a lot.

i introduced this movie so many people in Japan that time.

because i work for one of head of brain computer interface research in Japan.

Natalie's last movie is "Brainstorm".

this CNN news didn't say any for this movie.

but recently actually what we found that age 1981, 1982, 1983 was age of teleportation and time travel. project Pegasus,and CIA jump room. so many coverup science technology by CIA and DARPA, since 1970's.

Project Pegasus :

Brainstorm and Natalie wood