26: IBVA Apple script
26: IBVA Apple script
run Apple script from IBVA, select File/Run Apple Script to chose apple script file.
Run apple script file open "Script Editor".
In Script Editor, save as "File Format" -> application
makes standalone apple script application.
To run standalone apple script application doesn't open "Script Editor".
How to use apple script
apple script samples
/Applications/IBVA/applescript sample
changes since IBVA V4..4.2:
rectangle -> box
also some command is not work for OSX10.5 version.
all command that work with OSX10.5 are in the
/IBVA4/applescript sample/ folder.
26.1: IBVA Suite
graphic window color, position, brain channel, sampling frequency, FFT pint, etc. can set by apple script.
currently only one target graphic window each to set.
(can not set for multiple same type graphic window)
rawwaveWindow n [inh. graphic] : A Rawwave graphic window. This abstract class represents the raw wave brain wave visualization. There are subclasses for each specific type of graphic.
contained by documents.
brainChannel (CH one/CH two/CH three/CH four/LeftRight one/LeftRight two/Coherence one/Coherence two/Port ON/Port OFF/Record/Play/Pause/Begin/Sampling 120/Sampling 240/Sampling 480/FFT 256/FFT 512/FFT 1024)
view (Normal View/Full View/Alpha Max/Alpha High/Alpha Mid/Alpha Low/Alpha Anime/Front View/Left View/Right View/Top View)
tell application "IBVA"
make new rawwaveWindow at end of document "script" with properties {fill color:{65535, 65535, 40}, x position:150, y position:630, width:760, height:540}
tell document "script"
set brainChannel of every rawwaveWindow to CH one
end tell
end tell
----- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------
bargraphWindow n [inh. graphic] : A Rawwave graphic window. This abstract class represents the raw wave brain wave visualization. There are subclasses for each specific type of graphic.
contained by documents.
brainChannel (CH one/CH two/CH three/CH four/LeftRight one/LeftRight two/Coherence one/Coherence two/Port ON/Port OFF/Record/Play/Pause/Begin/Sampling 120/Sampling 240/Sampling 480/FFT 256/FFT 512/FFT 1024)
view (Normal View/Full View/Alpha Max/Alpha High/Alpha Mid/Alpha Low/Alpha Anime/Front View/Left View/Right View/Top View)
tell application "IBVA"
make new bargraphWindow at end of document "script" with properties {fill color:{65535, 65535, 40}, x position:150, y position:630, width:760, height:540}
tell document "script"
set brainChannel of every bargraphWindow to CH one
end tell
end tell
------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
waterfallWindow n [inh. graphic] : A Rawwave graphic window. This abstract class represents the raw wave brain wave visualization. There are subclasses for each specific type of graphic.
contained by documents.
brainChannel (CH one/CH two/CH three/CH four/LeftRight one/LeftRight two/Coherence one/Coherence two/Port ON/Port OFF/Record/Play/Pause/Begin/Sampling 120/Sampling 240/Sampling 480/FFT 256/FFT 512/FFT 1024)
view (Normal View/Full View/Alpha Max/Alpha High/Alpha Mid/Alpha Low/Alpha Anime/Front View/Left View/Right View/Top View)
tell application "IBVA"
make new waterfallWindow at end of document "script" with properties {fill color:{65535, 65535, 40}, x position:150, y position:630, width:760, height:540}
tell document "script"
set brainChannel of every waterfallWindow to CH one
end tell
end tell
------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
waterfallBSWindow n [inh. graphic] : A Rawwave graphic window. This abstract class represents the raw wave brain wave visualization. There are subclasses for each specific type of graphic.
contained by documents.
brainChannel (CH one/CH two/CH three/CH four/LeftRight one/LeftRight two/Coherence one/Coherence two/Port ON/Port OFF/Record/Play/Pause/Begin/Sampling 120/Sampling 240/Sampling 480/FFT 256/FFT 512/FFT 1024)
view (Normal View/Full View/Alpha Max/Alpha High/Alpha Mid/Alpha Low/Alpha Anime/Front View/Left View/Right View/Top View)
tell application "IBVA"
make new waterfallBSWindow at end of document "script" with properties {fill color:{65535, 200, 65535}, x position:150, y position:630, width:760, height:540}
tell document "script"
set brainChannel of every waterfallBSWindow to CH two
end tell
end tell
------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
box n [inh. graphic] : A rectangle graphic.
contained by documents.
orientation (portrait/landscape/square)
brainRhythm (eye rhythm/delta rhythm/theta rhythm/alpha rhythm/beta rhythm/betaL rhythm/betaM rhythm/betaH rhythm/gamma rhythm)
responds to
tell application "IBVA"
tell front document
set brainRhythm of box 1 to eye rhythm
end tell
end tell
------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
26.2: Make brain swtch box
This sample script works:
open WaterfallBS window
make new brain document
make 8 box for set brain switch.
tell application "IBVA"
close window "WaterfallBS Window"
on error eMsg number eNum
log {eNum, eMsg}
end try
make new waterfallBSWindow at end of document "script" with properties {fill color:{65535, 65535, 400}, x position:100, y position:80, width:690, height:540}
tell document "script"
set brainChannel of waterfallBSWindow 1 to CH one
end tell
make new document at beginning with properties {name:"New Brain wave"}
delete box of document "New Brain wave"
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:70, y position:130, width:60, height:60}
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:80, y position:135, width:65, height:60}
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:90, y position:140, width:70, height:60}
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:100, y position:145, width:75, height:60}
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:110, y position:150, width:80, height:60}
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:120, y position:155, width:85, height:60}
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:130, y position:160, width:90, height:60}
make new box at end of document "New Brain wave" with properties {x position:180, y position:165, width:95, height:60}
end tell
------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
26.3: Make 8 brain rhythm box for brain switch
make 8 brain rhythm box.
In the brain note document, when select brain channel 1 and/or 2 to use, this script will run to make brain rhythm switch
tell application "IBVA"
tell front document
set brainRhythm of box 1 to eye rhythm
set brainRhythm of box 2 to delta rhythm
set brainRhythm of box 3 to theta rhythm
set brainRhythm of box 4 to alpha rhythm
set brainRhythm of box 5 to betaL rhythm
set brainRhythm of box 6 to betaM rhythm
set brainRhythm of box 7 to betaH rhythm
set brainRhythm of box 8 to gamma rhythm
end tell
end tell
------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
26.4: Save IBVA docment
nice to use this for auto save data, etc.
tell application "IBVA"
save document "Untitled"
end tell
26.5: Open IBVA docment
tell application "Finder"
open the file "Macintosh HD:Applications:IBVA:brain data sample:AlphaBig.ibva"
end tell
©Psychic Lab Inc.
26.0: Run Apple Script