22: Brain Data viewer and Export Brain Data
22: Brain Data viewer and Export Brain Data
Use for to see Brain Data dictionary format files and for save this files.
Not good for long time data.
22 B: Select Tools / Export Brain Data...
Use for only save Export Brain Data. Can not see actual data iinside this window.
Good for long time data export and easy to open by application like Excel.
22 A: Select Tools / Brain Data Viewer and Export
22 A.1: select IBVA4 dictionary with "Preference/PreSet"
In the "Preference/PreSet" window, select IBVA4 data dictionary in the "Save Preference Setup" information which you like to see or export.
Then Open "Tools/Brain Data viewer & Export" window.
Click "IBVA4 Brain Note" Line to show data.
22 A.2: recommend to use this function less than 10 min. long data.
Data will show start time Zero to current time in this window.
It's too big to show long time recording data.
About 10 min is 1 MB size text file is ok to see this way.
You can set 'Start point" to change time X, then time X to current time will show in this window.
Need to set Time and Data dictionary this before open this window.
Or need to close window then open again for new data setup.
* In case select Brain Data CH 1, 2, 3, 4, text data size is very big. Take time to show in the Brain Date Viewer window.
Click "Save data", then see that data is more easy way. This export file can open by any Text editor application.
22 B: Select Tools / Export Brain Data...
22 B.1: use for only save Export Brain Data. can not see actual data in this window.
22 B.2: Export Data range.
Set Title, Start Time and End Time to Export.
22 B.3: Export Data type.
Select Export Data type.
Header file example:
Title of the Export Brain Data: Export Brain Data
Max buffer size: 08:00:00.000
Start Time in buffer: 00:00:00.000
End Time in buffer: 04:06:23.983
IBVA4 and current file information:
Start Date Time: Sat 06/01/2007 12:25:12 PM
Current Date Time: Sat 06/01/2007 12:28:17 PM
Time since start: 04:06:38.866
IBVA4 version: 4.3.8
Sampling frequency in Hz: 120
Cutoff frequency in Hz: 40
Total channel number: 4
Info Text:
Comment 1:
Comment 2:
IBVA4 and open file information:
Data Time Open file:
Open file data Time length:
Name Open:
IBVA4 version Open:
USB serial:
Sampling frequency in Hz: 120
Cutoff frequency in Hz: 40
Total channel number Open:
Info Open Text:
Comment 1 Open Text:
Comment 2 Open Text:
Raw Data ASCII File Output:
01774078 Sampling
00014783 Seconds
Sampling Raw data in integer example:
120 sampling par second = 0.00833333 sec/sampling
-512 .. 0 .. 512 = -100.000000 .. 0.000000 .. 100.000000 micro volt p-p. 0.1953125 micro volt p-p is one step AD:
Lines Sampling 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 Number
Left CH1
00000000 00000000 0286 -071 -172 0027 -051 0008 0009 -007 0006 0029 -021 0013 -013 -015 0013 0057
00000001 00000016 -013 -013 -005 0010 -028 -006 -035 -038 -034 0009 -021 0024 0020 -006 -044 0001
00000002 00000032 -002 0011 -026 0020 0025 0009 -036 0002 0002 0004 -039 0006 -007 -015 -035 0025
Sampling Raw data in µV example:
120 sampling par second = 0.00833333 sec/sampling
-100.000000 .. 0.000000 .. 100.000000 micro volt p-p. 0.1953125 micro volt p-p is one step AD:
Lines Sampling 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 Number
Left CH1
00000000 00000000 5.859375 -13.867188 -33.593750 5.273438 -9.960938 1.562500 1.757812 -1.367188 1.171875 5.664062 -4.101562 2.539062 -2.539062 -2.929688 2.539062 11.132812
00000001 00000016 -2.539062 -2.539062 -0.976562 1.953125 -5.468750 -1.171875 -6.835938 -7.421875 -6.640625 1.757812 -4.101562 4.687500 3.906250 -1.171875 -8.593750 0.195312
00000002 00000032 -0.390625 2.148438 -5.078125 3.906250 4.882812 1.757812 -7.031250 0.390625 0.390625 0.781250 -7.617188 1.171875 -1.367188 -2.929688 -6.835938 4.882812
00000003 00000048 1.757812 1.757812 -1.171875 3.710938 -2.148438 4.101562 -0.585938 0.585938 0.781250 3.906250 -3.906250 1.953125 -0.390625 3.515625 -2.929688 -1.562500
00000004 00000064 -3.906250 0.390625 -4.296875 5.664062 -2.343750 -5.078125 -5.468750 -2.539062 -7.617188 4.101562 -1.171875 -2.734375 -2.539062 0.781250 -5.273438
Brain rhythm average percentage example:
120 sampling par second = 0.00833333 sec/sampling
0.000000 .. 100.000000 % relative band peak average (Total band average = 100%) in time line:
8 band = (Eye:0<1.41 Hz, Delta:1.41<3.995 Hz, Theta:3.995<7.52 Hz, Alpha:7.52<12.455 Hz, BetaL:12.455<16.215 Hz, BetaM:16.215<20.68 Hz, BetaH:20.68<28.2 Hz, Gamma:28.2<39.38 Hz)
256 point FFT and Hanning windowing
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma Left CH1
AL 14783 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 % Total Average of Left Channel 1
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Right CH2
AL 14783 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 % Total Average of Left Channel 2
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma Left CH3
AL 14783 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 % Total Average of Left Channel 3
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Right CH4
AL 14783 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 % Total Average of Left Channel 4
Brain rhythm Coherence average percentage example:
120 sampling par second = 0.00833333 sec/sampling
0.000000 .. 100.000000 % absolute band average in time line:
8 band = (Eye:0<1.41 Hz, Delta:1.41<3.995 Hz, Theta:3.995<7.52 Hz, Alpha:7.52<12.455 Hz, BetaL:12.455<16.215 Hz, BetaM:16.215<20.68 Hz, BetaH:20.68<28.2 Hz, Gamma:28.2<39.38 Hz)
256 point FFT and Hanning windowing
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Coherence CH1&2
AL 14783 0.411584 0.715561 0.752180 0.779458 0.771312 0.765320 0.778532 0.770139 % Total Average of Coherence Channel 1 & 2
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Coherence CH3&4
AL 14783 0.677989 0.052198 0.049452 0.043134 0.037808 0.029537 0.028531 0.028319 % Total Average of Coherence Channel 3 & 4
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Coherence CH1&3
AL 14783 0.545192 0.246643 0.230185 0.261053 0.277601 0.287697 0.287761 0.276000 % Total Average of Coherence Channel 1 & 3
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Coherence CH2&4
AL 14783 0.518789 0.234925 0.242439 0.267419 0.289658 0.314452 0.310146 0.285465 % Total Average of Coherence Channel 2 & 4
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Coherence CH1&4
AL 14783 0.542751 0.242259 0.229049 0.245837 0.295161 0.294131 0.278355 0.268509 % Total Average of Coherence Channel 1 & 4
Ev Time Eye Delta Theta Alpha Beta L Beta M Beta H Gamma
Coherence CH2&3
AL 14783 0.527009 0.262798 0.247066 0.291461 0.277931 0.313463 0.311418 0.285924 % Total Average of Coherence Channel 2 & 3
22 B.4: Export Data format.
Sep up Export Data format.
22 B.5: Export Data Channel.
Sep up Export Data Channel.
22 B.6: Save data...
Save Export Data.
make extension .txt makes easy to open file by other application such as Excel.
4 Hours and 4 CH Rawdata export is about 100 MB file.
22 A: Select Tools / Brain Data Viewer and Export