pi Crop Circle LED


Arduino nano + pi crop circle LED with distance sensor + active head amp SoundBrain.

pi = 3.141592654 crop circle happened June 1, 2008 in England.


LED has each pi number in block from center part. so each block need to drive different current power. over 39 mA drive connect N channel FET : 2N7000 to output pin.

Connect 200 ohm resistance to limit current around 10 mA for all LED.

Y X 3: 39 mA, R X 1: 9 mA, G X 4: 33mA, B X 1: 10mA, W X 5: 43 mA, R X 9: 80 mA, G X 2: 17 mA, B X  6: 58 mA, W X 5: 43 mA, Y X 4: 52 mA. Total : 442 mA in case all ON.

R LED is actually full color LED. when start ON then Red. but keep continue ON then change color to full color.

Each block of LED light ON by command from IBVA application BS switch serial command.

Distance sensor : 2Y0A21, one sensor for speed control, other sensor for pattern control.

pi Crop Circle LED