'energy' spot In Bunkui mountain pass Hase Village
気場発見の経緯・分杭峠の特殊性・ゼロ磁場・気の認識The process of the "Energy Spot" discovery
The special nature of Bunkui mountain pass
The zero magnetic field
The recognition of Energy
The process of the "Energy Spot" discovery
This energy spot was discovered on july 2nd, 1995.
The master of "Qi gong" Chow zhi xiang visited Hase Village in 1995
and he point out Bunkui mountaion pass is the good Energy Spot as
much as mt."Lian hua shan" in Hu Bei Sheng in China.
'Energy Spot Hase Villege In Bunkui'
Energy The measurement result
As for energy of Bunkui, in the measurement of the magnetic field,
the change which is identical with the magnetic field change which
is seen in "Lian hua shan" in China was seen.
The measurement of energy put ion exchange water with construction
length in the poly bottle of 200 cc, and lidded and it tucked the
whole bottle with the vinyl sheet and the paper. It put this bottle
on the ground, and it put on earth in the about 3 cm thickness and
the sunlight made not hit directly. Then, when comparing with contrast
water after lifting this after placing for 11 days and measuring the
electricity's transmission percentage of the water after leaving for
3 days at the room temperature, the water of Bunkui showed the change
of the electricity's transmission percentage of about 2.1 duple.
With showing that Bunkui is extremely strong Energy Spot about this
The fact that water is filled with "energy" in its above is shown
about whether it is the same as placing in the place only beforehand
and Energy teacher's putting "energy".
The carrying contents carry an experiment result by the Sasaki professor.
The special nature of Bunkui mountain pass
The 'Median tectonic line' goes via the Kii peninsula from the Simanto
band of Shikoku from Kyushu, for the goes north the Akaisi cordillera
from Toyokawa and passes to Sea of Japan through Itoigawa via from
Kofu basin. It is a typical big faulting band in Japan which runs
through Japan to the change Kasimanada in the direction, being cut off
around Suwa lake by the tectonic line of Fossa Magna. For the geological
feature structure that Hase Villege includes the inside band and outside
a band A river with the size that the magnetism eroded a collapsing band
at the same time as the exposure part of the faulting was seen in each
placecurves and is formed at the fragile ground.
It is 'Bunkui' especially in such geological feature structure Doing
continuous from the depths of the earth nearby.
It is irregularly slipped while 'energy' and the ray in the place show
a corrugation with strength. It is a special place.
It excerpted this article from the data at the time of the 'energy'
spot discovery.
Zero magnetic field
Zero magnetic field means the low place of the magnetic field that
the huge energy of the crust change bumps each other and that the
N pole and the S pole deny each other. The feeling place at the
Bunkui mountain pass of the part of being on the Median tectonic
line is said to that it says such a place.
The recognition of Energy
Energy is incomprehensible but detailed contents are mentioned to the
society paper and the book of the Sasaki professor who is engaged in
the activity in the process of discovering energy spot at the Bunkui
mountain pass.
Hotel near Kiba.

Welcom to The southern Alps continuing education center
The foot in southern Japan AlpusBeing surrounded by the nature
In education study and training In the culture seminarWhen the corpration and the organization bring up talent
The purpose in the southern Alps continuing edcation center
In education study and training
When the corpration and the organization bring up talent
In the culture seminar As the place of the various hobby lecture and the cultural exchange,too,these facilities show a potential greatly.
The address: 405 Ichinose Hase village Nagano Japan